The journal of an expat retiree to Medio de Nada, Michoacán, México, with an emphasis on eclectic cuisine.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Friday, the baker made bread
Yesterday, Friday, was an active day. I awoke early, at 3 AM, and baked fudge brownies and whole wheat bread. Our new gas room heater stove seemed determined not to light, so I sent an email to the Service Department of to ask for solutions. Interestingly, in a couple of hours I got an answer that worked. The solution was, in essence,"Fiddle with it until it lights."
Later, I prepared our comida, a sort of fusion between an Asian, Mexican and slightly Belgian beef stew. The key ingredients were beer and lemongrass, but three, dried chiles pasillas made it dark and spicy. Luckily it was laden with fresh vegetables, such as chayote, calabacita, carrot, celery and potato. We had it with plain, steamed Basmati rice.
While awaiting lunch, I took advantage of the nice weather, and we sat on the porch in the sun. I smoked a Churchill cigar that I'd bought at Sanborn's on wednesday. I'm no cigar expert, but this one was rich and mellow. I suppose a few little glasses of Tequila El Cabrito from a Wal Mart (!) promotion, helped the general relaxed ambience. To help set the stage, there was a nanny goat tethered outside our casita to help cut the grass.
The only bicho en el ungüento was the highly intermittent Internet connection. This problem persisted to Saturday morning, and despite my best Net wrangling, may yet be a problem. ¡Ojalá que no!
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Don Cuevas
Don Cuevas