Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Other Blog???

Yes! I have another blog! Actually, there is yet a third blog, supposedly on travel, but it hasn't been updated in over three years. It might be merged with Surviving La Vida Buena, as soon as I figure out how to do that.

I'm gratified to have 27 registered Followers of My Mexican Kitchen.
However, my other blog, Surviving La Vida Buena, has only 2.

So in the interest of raising awareness of my other blog, which has occasional musings on the expat life in Mexico, a few posts on technology from an avid user's viewpoint, and any other topics which might interest me, I commend you to have a look at Surviving La Vida Buena.

I just posted on Google Earth's amazing Street View capabilities, coming soon to a major city near you.

 Don Cuevas


  1. Thank you for letting us know about the "other" blog. I'm headed over there right now!

  2. I will visit your "other" blog and I just got off Google Earth's Street View. If you try Zillow, it pretty much does the same thing. Type in an address and it goes straight to the address. Awesome. I'm on my way to view your other blog, just for fun.

  3. Zounds! I've never heard of Zillow until now.
    I'll go and have look.

    Don Cuevas

  4. I Googled "Zillow" and at a quick glance, only found a real estate group of that name.

    Don Cuevas

  5. I signed on as a follower of La Vida Buena twice last week. Each time when I went back to check, my "following" had vanished. What´s up?

  6. Felipe; I don't know how it disappeared. But MexicoBob Mrotek has been helping me rearrange the page elements and something must have sloughed off into cyberspace in the process.

    I'd be pleased if you'd sign on again. There's a Follow link in the upper left of the newly redesigned NavBar. (Now it's black.)

    Don Cuevas


Anonymous comments will be accepted only if the commenter adds a nickname so that we may distinguish them from other anonymous contributors. Reasonable criticism of the blog, its author and reviewed restaurants will be accepted and posted, but must be "signed" with a name. (I get to decide what's reasonable.)

Word verification has been turned back on, unfortunately, as the flow of spam has been increasing in the last few days since I removed thie barrier. Discúlpe la molestia.

Don Cuevas

Don Cuevas