Friday, December 04, 2009

Huevos Poblanos: another version

I was just browsing through one of my favorite Mexican cookbooks, "Mexico—The Beautiful Cookbook", when I spotted a recipe for Omelette Con Queso Y Salsa De Poblano.

This is a richer, and more elegant version of the dish. Strangely, it's simpler than mine. Serves 1.
Paraphrased from the book:

It calls for 1/3 cup chopped chile poblano. (I'll assume it's roasted and peeled beforehand.)
1/3 cup thick cream (creme fraiche or Mexican crema.)
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper.
2 eggs
1 tbsp butter.
1/4 cup grated queso manchego* or Jack or medium cheddar cheese.)

*Note that Mexican queso manchego is not like the dry, sharp mature Manchego Español, but softer and very mild.

In a blender, puree the chiles with the cream. Add salt to taste and heat the sauce in a small an over medium heat. Set aside.

Add 1/2 tsp salt and the pepper to the eggs, and beat lightly.

Melt the butter in a small skillet. When it is hot, add the eggs. When the edge of the eggs can be lifted easily, place the cheese on one side, roll up and cook until the cheese begins to melt. If the eggs start to brown, lower the heat.

Place on a plate and cover with the chile cream.

Note: recipe can be tripled or quadrupled. The omelets can be made in advance, covered with the poblana sauce, and baked in a preheated (375F/190C oven.

I don't have an image of this simple but rich dish, but I can give you a photo of the bookcover.


  1. Sounds great. I have the exact same book. It's on page 130 and that Omelette Con Queso Y Salsa De Pobland sound really good and the Huevos Ahogados as well. It's been a while since I used this cookbook, but just seeing it on your blog prompted me to pull mine out and look at all the beautiful pictures. It's a great book. Thanks for sharing and I shall try one of these egg recipes for my esposo this weekend. Have a great weekend.

  2. Sounds like a great recipe, not a low cal one, but still a great recipe,
    As Julia Child said, "Everything in moderation is OK" I will have to agree.

    Meeting her about 15 years ago was one of the highlights in my culinary experiences. Wow, was she a tall woman!

  3. Tancho, thanks for the comment and reminiscence about Julia Child and her height. :-)

    On a relative scale of 1* to 5 *****, how would you rate her height?

    Have you met Diana Kennedy, who lives near Zitácuaro, Michoacán? We had the pleasure of meeting her and touring her home in the mid 1990s. Unfortunately, although she didn't cook for us, she did give us a ride to Morelia.

    On a later visit, October, 2005, while we again stayed at the Hotel Rancho San Cayetano, she dropped by, but didn't remember us.

    Don Cuevas

  4. On the one to 5 scale she was a 7.

    I have talked to Diana Kennedy a couple of times years ago but never met here in person. Maybe on of these days.....


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Don Cuevas

Don Cuevas