Monday, June 21, 2010

Travelers Rest; Foodies, Never

The Cuevas' have been travelling in the U.S., attending a wedding and visiting family, and are now on their way home, after a few days of wandering and eating in México City.

Many restaurants were visited in the U.S. and a few in Mexico. I've been too busy to blog. Then, in a last minute frenzied farewell, I left my digital camera in my family house. I'm making arrangements to have it carried in safe hands back to me.

Meanwhile, here are a few selected photos from restaurant and home meals we enjoyed.

Poppy's Cheeseburger, Beacon, NY

Poppy's Fries

Lunch at Viet Ai, Florham Park, NJ

Blackened Tuna; Sweet Basil's Cafe, West Orange, NJ

Soft Shelled Crabs in Lemon Butter Sauce, Don Pepe's, NJ

Sirloin Steak, Don Pepe's, NJ
Kasha Varnishkes; Mom's home cooking

Beacon Creamery in Beacon, NY


  1. That´s right. Rub it in our faces, the fact that about all we get in Mexico is more cheese and corn.

  2. Goodness gracias, Senior Cuevas, you are one lucky man!!! That is a LOT of good eating!!!

  3. Felipe: Cheesy popcorn is good!

    Casona Rosa: We ARE lucky. Yesterday, Doña Cuevas and I marked our 42nd Wedding Anniversary together, Tonight we join friends for dinner at a Catalán restaurant, El Racó.

    It's been an enjoyable trip, with only a few difficult parts, but we are looking forward to resting up at home.

    Don Cuevas

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    oh my gosh, as good as all that food looks, it's the cannolo that made me want to reach out and eat it. so where did you get it? was that also in beacon, n.j.? not sure where that is but i'll be visitng my sons next week in n.y.c. and salem, n.j. i know i'll have plenty of places to eat cannolo, i've just never seen one that looks sooooo goooood!!!!!

    by the way, congrats on your 42nd anniversary! we're going on 29 in august, so you've got a few years on us.

    teresa in lake stevens, wa.

  5. Teresa, that cannolo was at Diana's Italian Restaurant and Catering, New Windsor, NY (Near Stewart-Newburgh International Airport. It was the highlight of an otherwise lackluster meal.

    Those who compared it with the one at Cosimo's On Union, up the road a ways, said that Diana's was better. Personally, I can do without the gratuitous chocolate squizzles.

    Don Cuevas


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Don Cuevas

Don Cuevas