Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Hey, Mr. Tangerine Man!

When I was a kid growing up, a small glass of orange juice was an obligatory start to each breakfast, Sometimes there'd be a grapefruit juice variation. The juice was poured into an approximately 4 ounce glass. Usually the glass was a bonus "gift" from having emptied out a Kraft cheese spread jar. This juice was tossed down as if it were medicine. Back then, before we started using frozen juice concentrates, the family morning oj was usually from a can. Back then, I wasn't fond of orange juice.

Over the years, packaging improved, and as an adult, my wife and I enjoyed various fresh pack, with pulp, not-from-concentrate Florida orange juice.
What's this doing here in Michoacán?
Youmaynotbelieveit, but we have seen refrigerated Tropicana Florida orange juice in cartons at Costco in Morelia. Why would anyone would select this packaged juice (although it's decent stuff), when oranges and other citrus fruits are so relatively inexpensive here in México?

Prices for naranjas dulces vary seasonally. Right now, we can get 5 kilos for $20 pesos (about $1.70 U.S, for 11 pounds. And they are delivered to our street, at least twice a week. In the off season, the prices are higher, and the citrus fruits probably not worth consuming.

How about some nice, large, juicy mandarinas (tangerines)? This truck, heaped with mountains of mandarinas (also 5 kilos for $20 pesos). It's stationed every day in season, down by the Tzurumutaro RR crossing.

Truck by the Tzurumutaro tracks

But wait! There's more! Now, for a limited time only, you can get sweet juice oranges from the same guy for only $20 pesos for 6, yes SIX kilos.
With an inexpensive lever-action citrus squeezer, you can make freshly squeezed juice in a few minutes, with little effort.

Great looking hardware!

(Psst. Last night, before bedtime, I squeezed enough mandarinas and some oranges to make a very large glass of juice, which I drank with no inhibition but with the greatest pleasure. It could serve as a refreshing dessert after a substantial meal. There's juice enough for two generous glasses at breakfast time.)


  1. Amazing good price - We are getting 3 for 20p in Xico and 25 oranges for 20 pesos here in Puerto Escondido. 5 years ago we were getting 5 kilos for 10 pesos in Xico - Here in Puerto they are a little more expensive and no where near the price you are getting -

    Last time I was in the US ONE orange was 75 cents - so in all this we have little to complain about in Mexico. ENJOY!

  2. There is nothing better than squeezing your own juice. When we are NOB I almost never order OJ simply because it tastes so foul. It will be interesting if Costco will sell that enough to keep it on their shelves. I can't believe anyone would want to buy it, unless they want the US substitute for real juice.
    Last week I was fortunate to buy a whole bag of mussels imported from the states. I got one sack, by the time I went around to look for something else, the other 3 were all sold....A novelty I guess in the Morelia store.

  3. I love fresh orange juice. We have a couple of orange trees that give us an abundance of oranges, therefore we have fresh orange juice, sugared rinds, the zest. There is nothing like having your own trees. I have a juicer, but I think I'll check out that link you have going there. Nice post, thanks. Have a great rest of the week.

  4. Have been enjoying your posts! I particularly like how you wrap each bit of food-oriented goodness inside a story. I'm trying to evolve a similar format on my own blog -

    We've also been considering the life of an expat in Mexico for the past couple of years. Your blog is very encouraging in that area!



  5. April 29, 2011: The price has risen now, to 3 kilos for $20 pesos. The oranges are larger and prettier, although the juice is not quite as sweet.

    Don Cuevas


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Don Cuevas

Don Cuevas